[CellMosaic] PerKit™ Antibody Small Molecule Acid Conjugation Kit

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[CellMosaic] PerKit™ Antibody Small Molecule Acid Conjugation Kit

[CellMosaic] Products

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CellMosaic의 PerKit을 소개드립니다.

[CellMosaic] PerKit™ Antibody Small Molecule Acid Conjugation Kit

PerKit™ Antibody Small Molecule Acid Conjugation Kit

Product Description:

이 키트는 carboxylic acid (-COOH) 작용기를 포함하는 저분자 IgG 유형 항체를 라벨링하기 위해 개발된 맞춤형 conjugation kit (PerKit™)입니다. 고객은 키트 구성 요소를 사용하여 carboxylic acid을 활성화된 N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) ester로 전환한 다음 단백질의 표면 아민 그룹과 반응하여 안정적인 amide 결합을 형성합니다. 그런 다음 최종 생성물을 정제하여 반응하지 않은 저분자 산을 제거합니다.

Requirement for Small Molecule:
  • Preferably > 90% pure by C18 HPLC
  • Total amount: 20 µmol 
  • Absence of primary or secondary amine (-NH2) groups
  • Preferably contains only one non-hindered aliphatic carboxylic acid (-COOH)
  • For molecules containing aromatic carboxylic acid, hindered aliphatic carboxylic acid, or hydroxyl (-OH) groups

Requirement for Antibody (IgG):
  • Preferably > 90% pure by gel electrophoresis
  • Total amount: 1-3 mg protein content as measured by UV

Key Features of this PerKit™:
  • Offers a simple and easy way to label IgG with any small molecule containing carboxylic acid
  • Fast and easy preparation: 4 h preparation and <30 minutes hands-on time
  • Offers in-process optimization of the degree of loading during the conjugation
  • All reagents and supplies included for preparation and purification
  • Over 90% pure conjugated products by SEC 

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Tel : 02-862-2816 / email : bio@usbio.co.kr
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